My school's vision statement is, "Every graduate is equipped academically and spiritually to make a difference for Christ."
We also provide a portrait of our graduates with our Expected Student Outcomes Statement.
It is a joy to partner with parents to shape the minds and hearts of our students. We realize that it is impossible for each of our graduates to fully attain all of the outcomes listed below. We view these outcomes as targets at which we aim. Each student is a work in progress, and we count it a privilege to be part of that work.
If we attain our school’s vision, each of our graduates will…1. Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ2. Thoroughly know the Bible and a desire to live according to the truths God has given in the Bible3. Be faithfully involved in a local Christian church4. Possess a biblical worldview and view all of life from a distinctively Christian perspective5. Have a heart to accomplish the Great Commission – go and make disciples of Christ6. Love learning7. Have a thorough education in all subjects: Bible, language arts, history, science, foreign language, math, art, computer, and physical education8. Appreciate the fine arts: music, drama, art9. Be fully equipped for the next level of learning10. Communicate clearly – both oral and written communication11. Think critically and solve complex problems12. Possess essential computer skills13. Faithfully steward the gifts God has given them, in areas such as leadership, athletics, art, music, drama
These two statements keep our eyes on the finish line and what success looks like in the lives of our students. This is our aim as we work hard and depend on the Holy Spirit to help us. They help all faculty and staff members remember what is most important.
What will your students look like if you are successful in accomplishing your mission?